
Trusting in God's Provision: A Christian's Mindset

 In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to become consumed by worries about the future. As responsibilities pile up and obstacles loom large, it is natural to feel anxious about how we will make ends meet. However, as Christians, our faith calls us to approach these challenges with a different perspective—one rooted in trust and reliance on God's provision. In the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, verse 32, Jesus reminds us of the futility of worrying about our basic needs. He says, "For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them." These words serve as a powerful reminder that God is fully aware of our needs and is faithful to provide for us. As His children, we are called to trust in His goodness and faithfulness, even in the face of uncertainty. The mindset of a Christian regarding God's provision is one of faith and trust. It is an acknowledgment that our Heavenly Father is not only aware of our needs but is als

The Art of Discernment: Finding Wisdom in Silence

  In the cacophony of voices clamoring for attention in today's digital age, the need for discernment and thoughtful reflection has never been more crucial. John 6:41 serves as a guiding light in this journey, reminding us that we do not need to have an opinion about everything. This simple yet profound truth challenges us to reconsider the way we engage with the world and each other. At its core, the message of John 6:41 speaks to the importance of exercising restraint and humility in our interactions. It urges us to resist the impulse to offer quick judgments or hasty opinions and instead invites us to embrace the beauty of silence. In a culture that often equates noise with significance, the act of withholding our opinions can be a radical counter-cultural statement, a declaration of our commitment to mindfulness and thoughtful engagement. By choosing not to weigh in on every issue, we create space for deeper reflection and introspection. We allow ourselves the opportunity to li

Finding Balance in Pursuing Your Dreams

 In the journey of pursuing our dreams, it is crucial to find a sense of balance. As we strive to become what our hearts desire, and as we work towards perfection, it is important to maintain balance in our relationships. Sometimes, even those who mean well may not fully comprehend the depth and significance of our dreams. However, it is vital to remember that their lack of understanding does not indicate a lack of care or support. Instead of attacking or shutting them out, we should approach these situations with empathy and understanding. It is important to acknowledge that until our vision is transformed into reality, only a few individuals will truly grasp its essence. Our dreams, often deeply personal and unique to us, may not easily translate into words or concepts that can be fully comprehended by others. This does not diminish the value of our dreams or the significance they hold in our lives. Instead, it highlights the importance of finding a sense of balance and patience as w

In pursuing your dreams find balance

       As you try to become what you feel you should be in your heart, as you strive for perfection, find relational balance. people may not understand your dream, even well meaning folks. It doesn't mean they don't care so don't go attacking them or shutting them out. Know that until your vision becomes reality only a few will be able to conceptualize it  So treat others with that understanding  Below is the version of this same information in computer AI gibberish In the pursuit of our dreams, our unwavering ambition can overshadow the vital need for balance in our relationships. As we strive to embody the individuals we envision, the critical task of harmonizing our aspirations with our cherished connections often goes unnoticed. The pursuit of perfection and the relentless drive towards our goals can blind us to the needs and viewpoints of those around us. It's essential to recognize that not everyone will grasp our dreams, even with the best intentions. Lack of und

a poem of love

To my love my darling wife  love such a beautiful world how can I begin to even call you my love when I don't even understand the extent of what it means to love But this I know I want to spend my days with you I can't wait to spend my nights with you I can't wait to watch you smile and light up my world I can't wait to sleep beside you and watch you snore innocently like a peaceful lullaby. I know that for you I will lay down my life like Jesus prayed for his church I know that for you I'll go to the ends of the Earth I know that for you I will rise to The heights of the heavens I know that for you I will do all the things that is possible but good things ofcourse. With you by my side our home will be a fortress I haven't for kingdom a place where warriors are grown together we make an army alone we are elite fighters. Make his time come to me my love for there is a lot for us to accomplish together even though I did not fully comprehend what it means to love I

The Progigal Son Part 2

When I think of the prodigal son the first thing that comes to mind is a boy who did not recognise what he had and decided he wanted the or no the prodigal son looks like a boy who does not value what he had and only learnt value by pain and suffering but are we not all like the prodigal son how often is it that's why we want to know the unknown how often is it that our curiosity is piqued by that which is supposed to be for bidding for that which we are advised to stay away from it is not a very human nature to want to check out that which we do not understand of that which is not clear to us are very nature desires clarity and knowledge of all things the prodigal son like all of us wanted to see what was out there and for that we have parking was a bad son who did not value what he had but funny enough every single great achievements of humankind aberthin on seeking out that which makes us curious we have a dream of something that has not been done and we trying to achieve it tha

Are we supposed to find love?

 Are we supposed to find love? How are we supposed to find love? Does the bible teach us to find love? All my life i have somehow felt that love is something that happens at first sight, you know like in the movies where the guys sees the girl (his soulmate) and he falls in love and they then go on to get to know each other thereby finding more reasons to love each other against all odds and they marry and live happily ever after. Well how true is that!!!!  My generation believes in this fairytale so much yet we have the highest rates of broken relationships ever recorded does this statistics not already make this fairytale a sham. all through history things people believe strongly in usually work to their advantage except they are believing a lie so could it mean we believe a lie of a love story in my generation. Older generations allowed other metrics take precedence over the  rush of love (as i would like to call it) things like background, genetics, passion, beliefs, vision, among