samsung galaxy tab 3 7.0 vs samsung galaxy mega

If you were given the choice which would you take ? the tab or the mega .

This is kinda like a comparison and from all reasonable points i think i'd take the samsung galaxy mega, why you ask ? see the comparision below

  1. Samsung galaxy Tab 3 7.0

  • 4G network
  • single SIM
  • 7.0 " screen
  • 1GB RAM 
  • 3.15MP primary camrea ,1.3MP secondary camera
  • Android 4.1 
  • Dual core processor 1.2GHz
  • HTML5 enabled

2. Samsung galaxy mega

  • 4G network
  • single SIM
  • 6.3" screen
  • 1.5 GB RAM
  • 8MP primary camera , 1.9MP secondary camera
  • Android 4.2.2
  • Dual core 1.7GHz
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 400
  • Andreno 305
  • HTML5 enabled
Now you can see that apart from screen size  the galaxy mega is a better choice .
So when you go out there to get yourself an android device be sure to take a good look at the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3. It's a very handy and pocket friendly phone , i sure would prefer it to a lot of other android devices at it's current price .


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