The blessings of keeping God's statutes

It's funny how we as humans find it most difficult to do what is most beneficial to us, so in a bid to motivate both myself and you I've gathered some benefits of obeying God down below:-

If you live according to my laws and obey my commands,

I will send you rain at the right time, so that the land will produce crops and the trees will bear fruit.

Your crops will be so plentiful that you will still be harvesting grain when it is time to pick grapes, and you will still be picking grapes when it is time to plant grain. You will have all that you want to eat, and you can live in safety in your land.

 "I will give you peace in your land, and you can sleep without being afraid of anyone. I will get rid of the dangerous animals in the land, and there will be no more war there.

You will be victorious over your enemies;

five of you will be able to defeat a hundred, and a hundred will be able to defeat ten thousand.

 I will bless you and give you many children; I will keep my part of the covenant that I made with you.

Your harvests will be so plentiful that they will last for a year, and even then you will have to throw away what is left of the old harvest to make room for the new.

 I will live among you in my sacred Tent, and I will never turn away from you.

I will be with you; I will be your God, and you will be my people.

 I, the LORD your God, brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves. I broke the power that held you down and I let you walk with your head held high."

So there you have it love God and enjoy all these goodies

Your brother in Love


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