Esau:- The Average Guy

"Once upon a time there lived a man named Isaac he carried the blessing and covenant of God as passed on to him by Abraham his father. Isaac had two sons born to him by his wife Rebecca, their names were Esau (the hairy one) and Jacob (the deceiver)..."

From this point onward we were made to see both sons as very different and unique individuals Jacob was the smart, twisted, cunning deceiver, and Esau was the guy you don't wanna be like cause he was stupid foolish and ended up out of God's promise, but i ask "are we all really that different from Esau?". who doesn't  take foolish decisions when they have an immediate need even worse most of our stupid decisions are based on perceived needs, you want an example? i give you online shopping, advertisement,among others these guys are set up to make you feel and think and accept that you need the object being pitched of you which is not true, yet we fall  over and over again for this trick.
How do we even justify blaming Esau for letting food cloud his Judgement when we constantly let trivial things cloud our Judgement?

Esau became angry and wanted to kill his brother for taking everything from him, who wouldn't naturally be like that?, how would you feel if you best-friend stole your girlfriend by lying to her and pretending to be you, by using qualities you posses which she likes to steal her even though he doesn't really have those qualities? or if your brother deceived your father into signing over the family multinational business worth over 100,000 US Dollars to him when everyone knows and has seen in the will that it belongs to you and you have been heading and growing the company for years? This is kinda similar to what happened to Esau and he was justified to be angry and furious, that precisely is why Jacob had to flee.

the point of this write up is not simply to  justify Esau's action but to help us relate with his pain as what happens to everyone of us. We get robbed of what should be ours, we get deceived and tramples under feet and still we get blamed when we revolt and speak out.

This write up is to help us know there is a better way, instead of revolting you can cry to God like Ishmael, David, Elijah, Job and many others. the difference is clear, whereas Esau was castigated and judged for his actions, these other guys were compensated by God and were celebrated.

so whenever people hurt you or cheat you or deride you, don't get mad, don't react, just go to God in prayer let him compensate you.

even for those of you that have not come around to accept the supremacy of God and to rely on him, take my advise "Don't react to people and what they do, don't let them control you by their actions"
make your own decisions.

Remember Like Esau People will Judge You Based on What You Do Not Why You Did it.

 God Bless You.


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