I have come to realize that power is a major desire of every man. It is the root of many things
we do, it is the motive behind most of our actions. For instance:-
We actually love money because it gives us power, it enables
us do most of the things we want to do without stress that is why we love
money… most of us that is.
We lord It over people to prove and show how powerful we
actually are.
We even gather knowledge so as to become more powerful
because we know knowledge is power.
Look for example at most people that fornicate if well
analysed we realize the reason they do it is not because they love the other
women, they usually do it because the wife has stifled the power of the man, she
second guesses many of his actions and limits what he is allowed and this
behavior is completely against the nature of a man for man was created to
dominate (Gen 1:28). This in fact is why God in the bible instructed the
Christian wife to submit to her husband (Ephesians 5:22; Colossians 3:18)cos as
Men they both would desire to Dominate but for order and harmony there can be
only one dominator yet God did not leave it that man should be given absolute
power no he created a check system when he instructed the man to Love his wife
(Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 3:19) because love is the way to balance power.
Back to the power
talk, It is because power is an intimate desire of man that Satan always tempts
us by dangling power before us in one form or the other, it could be as
knowledge that grants us power, or as more freedom which is power to do as we
like, or any other form unmentioned here.
A look at the temptations of Christ from my current
perspective also shows the inherent desire in how Satan tempted our Lord
(Matthew 4:1 – 11), I will paraphrase them below
1st Temptation:- “Turn Stone to bread” à Show us how much power
you have
2nd Temptation:- “Jump angels will catch you” à Show us that the power
of God really works
3rd Temptation:- “Bow to me I will give you the
world” à I
have power, acknowledge that I have power
Let’s also look at the answers Jesus gave as I paraphrased
them in this light below
1st Answer:- “Man shall live by God’s word” à It’s God’s power that
sustains a man not his own power
2nd Answer:- “Don’t Temp the Lord your God” Don’t
try God’s power ever
3rd Answer:- “You will worship and serve only God”
à Only God’s power is to
be Acknowledged not man’s power or Satan’s power
If you agree with me you will see here that power is in
almost every situation, a power tussle kept showing up.
Satan in recent time has been trying to change our culture
so that we come to believe that man’s power is important and should be
acknowledged and because we like the sound of that we have created systems
focused mainly on acknowledging the powers of man.
I don’t argue that man actually is powerful or that Satan is
powerful but we need to acknowledge more the power of God cos if man’s power is
like Flood light or a furnace and Satan’s power is judged on that level too then God’s power can be likened to
the Sun and believe me our furnace or even nuclear station level power are
insignificant before the awesome power of God so we may as well Just accept his
sovereignty and power so as to be able to find it expressing itself through our
Power feels good ooo, I am not saying power is bad if it was
then Jesus and the apostles would not have walked in it and shown so much of
it. So I am not saying don’t desire power I am only saying desire power from
God and always acknowledge him for it never take the glory it will be your
downfall if you do that. And as you desire power
desire also Love because only love can help you keep power in
Love God with your all and you will have power and it will
be balanced by that Love.
Seek to Love God more and more.
Your brother
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