Finding a wife

Many times I see young men, young spiritual men saying that God will bring the a wife to them but they are not working actively in the will of God. they are not doing the father's business. how do they now expect God to go about searching for a wife for them when they are not doing the father's business. 
Dear young man if you want to work according to the order of Adam then you must know that Adam was doing the father's business as was Isaac, you must actively work according to the father's will I don't just mean God Almighty as our father. Any father you have if you are focused on doing his will he will find you a wife one way or the other except he's not living according to the pattern of fatherhood. A father finds you a wife, if you don't have a father then ask the Father but know dear young man that you find the best wife when you let the father find you a wife. amen.


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