Are we supposed to find love?

 Are we supposed to find love?

How are we supposed to find love?

Does the bible teach us to find love?

All my life i have somehow felt that love is something that happens at first sight, you know like in the movies where the guys sees the girl (his soulmate) and he falls in love and they then go on to get to know each other thereby finding more reasons to love each other against all odds and they marry and live happily ever after. Well how true is that!!!! 

My generation believes in this fairytale so much yet we have the highest rates of broken relationships ever recorded does this statistics not already make this fairytale a sham. all through history things people believe strongly in usually work to their advantage except they are believing a lie so could it mean we believe a lie of a love story in my generation.

Older generations allowed other metrics take precedence over the  rush of love (as i would like to call it) things like background, genetics, passion, beliefs, vision, among others. and they had more stable relationships than we do. please don't go citing a Cinderella story cos even though they exist they actually are outliers and we all know we love to celebrate outliers as humans. another key point is that the older generation learnt to love one another over time and it made for solid background for their love life as they are able to accommodate each other faults and all. 

So are we supposed to find love? Simple answer for me currently is NO i currently don't know any where in the bible that tells us to go seeking for love (in a person) cos basically God is Love and when we seek and find God he fills us up with Himself (Love) and then we are able to share that love with those around us. the notion of finding romantic love in a person on first sight is something born of western theater culture but has been so ingrained in us that it feels like the normal thing to do and we don't even bother questioning it anymore. 

We are meant to seek God then find someone whose visions, beliefs and dreams align with ours (oh and the person should be your spec if possible ooo!!!)and  then we decide to walk this road together as husband and wife (usually as we walk the path God has chosen for us he brings this people our way, if we chose our paths for ourselves too we will still find people who are in alignment to our chosen path along the way especially if we are honest about pour choices and our path) as we walk with this people love for them builds in our heart and we love them more and more. this is how we build a love that lasts and is not based on emotion or feelings only. 

So what we should be doing is finding someone we align with and getting to know them before declaring our undying love for them not the other way round.

So far i have not found a place in the bible that teaches us to seek out love or that love will be at first  sight if you do please let me know so i can go through it and upgrade my understanding.

Anyways You are Love cos you are of God and God is Love.

(PS: if you have not given your life to God you might want to sort that out first and become one with God by surrendering your life to him and accepting Jesus as your Lord and savior first oo!!!)

Yours in Love



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