Meet "Google Meet"

Google Meet is an online meeting platform like zoom offered by Google incorporated allows you host meetings for friends and family completely free of charge. Google meet was initially part of the g suits and it was paid but over time due to the covid-19 pandemic the company has found it necessary to make it free for all.
The beauty of Google meet is that it integrates the whole g suit allowing you attached documents and presentation slides and even pictures or videos from your Google drive.
It is said to be more secure than zone I haven't tested that out yet but considering that it's a product from Google I don't think that will be far-fetched.
Google meet allows you set up a meeting and invite people to join simply by sending them a link. You can send the link to them as a URL or as a Google calendar event or as an email invite. Initially a commercial service, in April 2020 Google started rolling it to free users as well.
For Google fans like myself I think Google Meet is something we have been desiring for a while now, I'm having the best time of my life using meat for my meetings and I truly invite you to join and have the best Google meet has to offer.
You can download Google meet for your phones and computers here


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