About being conservative

Here are two truths you should always keep in mind:

(1) True love waits.

(2) True love is worth the wait. 

When tempted to go astray by a fast-living friend, a young Christian woman replied, ‘Any time I want to become like you, I can. But I can never again become the person I was before I made that decision.’

This morning I was going through my morning devotional and I came across this write up that rang very true to me, because the truth is as much as people keep encouraging you to try new things, to live life, to have fun and the likes, the reality is that there are some things that once you do you can't go back to being how you were before. 
I'm not saying you should not do those things, I'm not saying you should not try out things I am not saying you should not have fun. I'm just saying like the young Christian lady said you can become how they want you to be at anytime, anytime you want!! but you can't go back to being who you used to be once you have done some of those things so take your time, take your time very well. Make sure you really really really want to do that thing. Think it true when your mind is sober, think it through passing it through the word of God if it does not agree with the word of God then you should just shelve it. Well even if you don't want to shelve it just keep in mind that once you do it you can't go back to being how you were before you will have to continue forging ahead on that new path.

if you want to read the rest of the write-up that brought me such insight you can read it in the link below


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