a poem of love

To my love my darling wife
 love such a beautiful world how can I begin to even call you my love when I don't even understand the extent of what it means to love
But this I know I want to spend my days with you I can't wait to spend my nights with you I can't wait to watch you smile and light up my world I can't wait to sleep beside you and watch you snore innocently like a peaceful lullaby.
I know that for you I will lay down my life like Jesus prayed for his church I know that for you I'll go to the ends of the Earth I know that for you I will rise to The heights of the heavens I know that for you I will do all the things that is possible but good things ofcourse. With you by my side our home will be a fortress I haven't for kingdom a place where warriors are grown together we make an army alone we are elite fighters. Make his time come to me my love for there is a lot for us to accomplish together even though I did not fully comprehend what it means to love I still do love you my love. 

your darling husband


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