The Progigal Son Part 2

When I think of the prodigal son the first thing that comes to mind is a boy who did not recognise what he had and decided he wanted the or no the prodigal son looks like a boy who does not value what he had and only learnt value by pain and suffering but are we not all like the prodigal son how often is it that's why we want to know the unknown how often is it that our curiosity is piqued by that which is supposed to be for bidding for that which we are advised to stay away from it is not a very human nature to want to check out that which we do not understand of that which is not clear to us are very nature desires clarity and knowledge of all things the prodigal son like all of us wanted to see what was out there and for that we have parking was a bad son who did not value what he had but funny enough every single great achievements of humankind aberthin on seeking out that which makes us curious we have a dream of something that has not been done and we trying to achieve it that is how civilisation has grown that is how the world has grown and that is how we have all the comfort we currently enjoy so really was the prodigal son a finish son or was he just another human being doing what human beings to best chasing his dream yes his dream was not successful because I guess when you left the house his desire was to go and build his wealth and build his own empire but he followed the wrong part he did not have the right mentorship he did not stay connected to his father to learn the ropes of how to grow his wealth and he ended up scoring even the little he had. If I had been in your shoes would I have done things much more differently we are also not have wanted to try my own way will I have not tried to see if I could do it by my power would have been content we just trusting and following the father's instructions and the father's way these are the questions I ask myself when I look deeply at the story of the prodigal son how much different am I from him do I blindly trust my father or do I need to wait for myself before I can trust this world can the father trust me to follow all his instructions the father said of Abraham I trust Abraham that he will teach his children to follow my precepts can the father trust me to even follow his patients that the less of teaching others to follow his process these are the things I want pondering and I think of the poly as I meditate on the story of the prodigal son.


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