I have come to realize that power is a major desire of every man. It is the root of many things we do, it is the motive behind most of our actions. For instance:- We actually love money because it gives us power, it enables us do most of the things we want to do without stress that is why we love money… most of us that is. We lord It over people to prove and show how powerful we actually are. We even gather knowledge so as to become more powerful because we know knowledge is power. Look for example at most people that fornicate if well analysed we realize the reason they do it is not because they love the other women, they usually do it because the wife has stifled the power of the man, she second guesses many of his actions and limits what he is allowed and this behavior is completely against the nature of a man for man was created to dominate (Gen 1:28). This in fact is why God in the bible instructed the Christian wife to submit to her husband ( Ephesians 5:22 ; Colo...