
Showing posts from 2019

Peter’s Dilemma

“And Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these?” How come Jesus the Lord of lords and King of kings would ask Peter such a question? Does he not see his heart? Can he not clearly decipher his motives? I have come to understand that declaration is an affirmation that shows that you mean and are committed to what you say and for a while before the death of Christ Peter had been the most vocal declarer of his love for Christ yet this vocal declarer at the capture of his master became the most vocal renouncer, denying his master multiple times to save his own neck. Peter at the crow of the cock became the most dejected guilt ridden man on earth, here he was the new leader of the pack who could not even stand by the old leader when life was the price he must have only remained because he didn’t want the flock to scatter if he left cos he was very influential among them. He must have been moving around feeling like a robot with nothing to live for...

The Naaman Story

What do I think of when I hear the Naaman story, very simply I think of a great man who had a problem he couldn’t solve no matter what he did. He tried everything but nothing worked up until he met with Elisha the prophet who gave him a simple task and solved his problem. I also think of the greedy Gehazi who went after the wealth his master had refused and thus lost the heritage of being the next great prophet of Israel. Today I have a new light shone on this story and I will like to show you that light, verses 1-3 shows us that Naaman is a great man who was plagued by leprosy of a certain stage, he had a slave girl of Israel working in his house for at this time Israel wasn’t really a force of extreme power like in the time of David they had been plundered before and had their children taking at some point. The girl told him God could heal him if he sought help in Israel but like every normal human, he went to the king of Israel with a letter from his king a single man’s problem ...

Love in Marriage

It is no news that divorce rates are constantly on the rise in recent times all around the world, people are increasingly finding it more difficult to stick to a single partner in the long run. There has been many hypotheses as to the causative factors for this perceived inability to stick to one partner in the long run and in this post I will be talking about what I find to be the most probable causes for it. I will be listing these below: ·          Wrong Definition of Love ·          Too much familiarity ·          Equality instead of Equity Wrong Definition of Love: it is generally portrayed in our generation that love is an emotional connection between two people that causes them to swoon, desire to be with each other, do anything for each other, among other things. It is portrayed that love can overcome any circumstances and survive any misfortune if th...

Let us make Man

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. – The Teacher (Ecclesiastes 7: 29) Man was made by God to be a complete package he had all that was necessary to be a god on earth but at the fall man lost knowledge of himself and thus created a longing for something he did not fully understand, to cover for the inadequacies man began inventions off different kinds in a bid to return to God likeness. Man created machines to increase his power, precision, understanding of things. Man continues to create things to cover for his inadequacies. This the conclusion of the matter for man to be complete and whole he must become upright, righteous, good, for in that state did God make man and only in that state can man be truly fulfilled. Selah

Greater Works Than These

John 14:12: - “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believe on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” For a long time in my Christian life I have felt Jesus meant in these statement that we would do greater miracles because we believe on him but as I walk with the Lord today by the unction of the Holy Spirit I realize that it may have a very different meaning to what I have always thought it to be, for instance what miraculous acts could we perform that the king of Glory did not already do … there is none I can think of. He raised the dead, healed the sick, made plenty the scarce, met the need of the people, fed them among many others, so what is left … Well Jesus wasn’t an accountant so he didn’t save the accounts of a nation by such skills (this could be a great work), Jesus wasn’t a Programmer, dentist, Organizer and many other such duties the King of Glory never had the time to fill. Thus, He has put...

Godliness with Contentment

Godliness: is Respect, Reverence, Piety towards God, Living a holy life. Contentment:   is a perfect condition of life in which no aid or support is needed for basic functionality, where the person is able to provide for himself at least all the basic necessities of life, where the person has sufficient for his needs (and possibly wants). In the words of Dan Lok, it’s the state of F U Money. The person is in all human description Self Sufficient not necessarily needing human help to live & survive. The person is self-sufficient and man enough. Let’s be truthful it sucks when you are so spiritual even the devil knows your name but you need to beg your friends to eat. Your Godliness rapidly becomes a Shameful thing and before long you will definitely abandon the Godliness to find food. God never planned it like that, He as a matter of Truth wishes to see you prosper on both life and Godliness levels. For many years I actually thought contentment is simply accepting whatev...

I’d Rather Have Jesus

A little girl had been told many times by a childless couple that if she’d come live with them, they’d give her everything she wanted – a pony and cart, toys, a piano, and the likes of it. One day when the couple had been urgent, her father said “Don’t you think you had better go with them?” the little girl looked at him in alarm and cried “Why Daddy, don’t you want me?” “I do” he replied, “but I can’t give you very much and they will give you everything nice.” “But I wouldn’t have you!” she replied as she snuggled up to him. Ask yourself this question “If I was the little girl would I value my Lord above all the nice things the world can offer?” or would I justify my reasons for following the world. Even her father would have understood if she left. Even her father did not realize how much he meant to her; he didn’t realize that being with him was more valuable to her than having all the nice things “but I can’t give you very much he had said” he did not realize the value of fel...