I’d Rather Have Jesus

A little girl had been told many times by a childless couple that if she’d come live with them, they’d give her everything she wanted – a pony and cart, toys, a piano, and the likes of it. One day when the couple had been urgent, her father said “Don’t you think you had better go with them?” the little girl looked at him in alarm and cried “Why Daddy, don’t you want me?” “I do” he replied, “but I can’t give you very much and they will give you everything nice.” “But I wouldn’t have you!” she replied as she snuggled up to him.

Ask yourself this question “If I was the little girl would I value my Lord above all the nice things the world can offer?” or would I justify my reasons for following the world. Even her father would have understood if she left. Even her father did not realize how much he meant to her; he didn’t realize that being with him was more valuable to her than having all the nice things “but I can’t give you very much he had said” he did not realize the value of fellowship she had with him.
How much do you value your fellowship with the Lord? Is it worth loosing sleep over? Or is it at your convenience?  How much do I value my fellowship with the Lord? Do I value it more than the instantaneous pleasure of having everything nice right now? If I was offered legitimate access to all the wealth in the world would I keep it for myself or lay it at His feet? If it were a matter of life and death would I choose death just to remain in fellowship with my Lord?
I’m not asking if you pray well or if you pray long or how much of the word you have stored up in your mind and your spirit, these things are necessary and important but more important is the value you place on the Lord your God. It is important to him that’s why he once asked a disciple “lovest thou me more than these? (john 21:15-17)”. Is He worth more than everything nice to you?
This is not to say you wont get everything nice in the end because you will but if you don’t love more than it you may end up leaving him in search for everything nice; but if you do love him more than everything nice he would still give you everything nice at the right time as you keep working as hard as he asks you to(Matt 6:33) .
So dear brother/sister … Would you rather have Jesus?


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