Peter’s Dilemma

“And Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these?”
How come Jesus the Lord of lords and King of kings would ask Peter such a question? Does he not see his heart? Can he not clearly decipher his motives?
I have come to understand that declaration is an affirmation that shows that you mean and are committed to what you say and for a while before the death of Christ Peter had been the most vocal declarer of his love for Christ yet this vocal declarer at the capture of his master became the most vocal renouncer, denying his master multiple times to save his own neck.
Peter at the crow of the cock became the most dejected guilt ridden man on earth, here he was the new leader of the pack who could not even stand by the old leader when life was the price he must have only remained because he didn’t want the flock to scatter if he left cos he was very influential among them. He must have been moving around feeling like a robot with nothing to live for, till the point he couldn’t hide it and he said “I go a fishing”(dudes I gotta try do something with my life) and they followed him only for him to come in contact with his Lord whom he currently feels unworthy of and the he is asked to profess a love he only just recently was unable to live out. How do you tell someone you recently just betrayed that you truly love them … wont it feel like a lie? So, Peter said “you know I love you Lord”
Then at this point peter was not a little baby disciple to be pampered and trained again in the way of the Lord, he had been with the master for over three years his love is to be proved by obedience “feed my sheep”
Like Peter many of us truly love God but at some point unfortunately we have fallen short, betrayed his trust, and we feel so bad that we feel unworthy of him especially those of us that have been very intimate with him, but like in Peter’s case we need to know that our Lord wants us to reaffirm our love for him and keep carrying out his mandate for our lives yeah things happen, we sometimes may mess up but he loves us enough to die for us so do you really think just a mistake would put an end to his love for you? NO! it won’t.
When you mess up go back to him say “Lord I’m sorry I messed up but you know I still love you above all else help me to be better and not mess up again” then see how he upgrades and transforms you. Prove you love y sticking with God no matter what and doing what he asks of you Just like peter did afterwards. You’re important to God don’t just leave, stay with him always.


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