Greater Works Than These

John 14:12: - “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believe on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
For a long time in my Christian life I have felt Jesus meant in these statement that we would do greater miracles because we believe on him but as I walk with the Lord today by the unction of the Holy Spirit I realize that it may have a very different meaning to what I have always thought it to be, for instance what miraculous acts could we perform that the king of Glory did not already do … there is none I can think of. He raised the dead, healed the sick, made plenty the scarce, met the need of the people, fed them among many others, so what is left …
Well Jesus wasn’t an accountant so he didn’t save the accounts of a nation by such skills (this could be a great work), Jesus wasn’t a Programmer, dentist, Organizer and many other such duties the King of Glory never had the time to fill. Thus, He has put us in place to fill these spaces and bring the kingdom to stay in the fields.
What work is greatest in the kingdom I ask if not the saving of souls from destruction?
Greater works I tell you is any work the Father does Through you by you or in you.
Your brother in Christ
Akinbo Akintunde 


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